Our Games

7 Seconds Game Title

7 Seconds is a two player skirmish game of fast-paced combat in the 22nd century; a time when troops in powered stealth armour dominate the battlefield, living and dying by their stealth and sensor technology. If you can detect them before they detect you, you can win the day. Otherwise, your life expectancy is 7 seconds.

7 Seconds employs fog-of-war mechanics, allowing you to use tactical deception to mislead your opponent and get into position for a devastating attack. Combat is fast and deadly. The rules are simple to learn, but hard to master. No army list building required, just take the assigned troops and attempt to complete your mission, while denying your opponent his. Hundred of mission / troop combinations are possible. Never play the same game twice.

Download the 7 Seconds playtest rules below.

Playtest Rules



Holding Area Cards

Cardstock Soldiers
(to do until 3D figures are available)

Coming Soon:

The first batch of miniatures for 7 Seconds – Suzuko-Ford line of stealth troopers, including:

  • 1 Commander
  • Tactical Troopers – 7 poses
  • Scout Troopers – 4 poses
  • Assault Troopers – 4 poses
  • Engineer Trooper

Engage Stealth Mode – Stay Informed! Secure Your Tactical Updates Now!
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7 Seconds tabletop skirmish game and our future games.

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